Evaluating the Role of Agents in the CX Marketplace

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When deciding on how to build out a support team, it’s important to analyze the tech and tools you’ll be utilizing to do so. However, while it’s important to know the value of all of that, it’s even more important to recognize the indispensable value of sitting right in front of you. Join us live with Stacy Sherman as we discover more than the monetary value that lives in your contact center right now!

[ 5:34 – 7:00 ] Agent value is human value. It’s how the company uses their staff to deliver value to the customer and how they make sure the agent feels valued through actions. The individual also needs to own their value. The reason this is becoming such a hot topic is because contact center outsourcing is booming and so the agent is actually the product of the BPO.

[ 7:03 – 8:16 ] We are transitioning as an industry from ‘how much work can we get from and agent and still get minimum quality scores’ toward ‘seeing the agent, and even marketing the agent, as a competitive advantage.’ and this is exciting. Everyone is boasting “better talent.”

[ 13:15 – 14:30 ] Think about how high pressure it is to be on the phone, running through multiple computer screens, and trying to find answers to the customers’ questions. Data and technology can help this story.

[ 15:55 – 17:15 ] How leadership can help with an agent who is having a hard day so that they are supported.

[ 22:04 – 24:25 ] Lisa’s question: The difference between agent value and also the value of the independent contractors we work with.

[ 26:26 – 29:51 ] Shafik’s question: Technology can enhance (customer and agent) experience but AI is not sufficient by itself. There will always be cases where AI won’t work, like emergency response. Make sure you have the right application for the tool so humans can move beyond repetitive and mundane tasks like password resets.

Paradoxically, the world is huge and small at the same time. Offshore options are more and more competitive. We can find our edge by embracing a career mindset toward the agents and caring about their value.

Learn more about Stacy Sherman from her podcast Doing CX Right.

As always, thanks for tuning in! To listen to a recording of this and other episodes, visit vistio.io/podcasts. And to join our show live each week, go to vistio.io/cxlive.

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