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Title Category: Hiring, Training & Retention
ID 1887
Date February 21, 2023
Title From Stay Interviews to Burnout Prevention: How Your Contact Center Can Invest in Agent Retention
Url https://www.vistio.io/blog/invest-in-contact-center-agent-retention/
Summary When you find agents who are knowledgeable, empathetic, and great at their job overall, you want to keep them. Here are the top ways to ensure they stay.
Image Element A contact center manager instructing an agent on how to resolve a customer issue
Image Url https://www.vistio.io/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/TrainingEnvironmentBlogPost_Blog-Post-150x150.png
ID 1884
Date February 20, 2023
Title CX Agents: Give Yourself Some Love!
Url https://www.vistio.io/blog/cx-agents-give-yourself-some-love/
Summary Contact centers sometimes take a lot of heat for issues with the functioning of their call centers that end up actually being business issues disguised as call center issues. Suzi Earhart of McorpCX is all about solving problems, giving love, life-long learning and helping others reach their full potential, so she’s here to help us show agents some love today!
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Image Url https://www.vistio.io/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/PodcastCovers_Blog-3-150x150.png
ID 1827
Date February 13, 2023
Title CX from East to West
Url https://www.vistio.io/blog/cx-from-east-to-west/
Summary Even with all the differences between the East and the West, it is possible the lessen the cultural disconnect. Remember, improvement over perfection.
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Image Url https://www.vistio.io/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/PodcastCovers_Blog-2-150x150.png
ID 1814
Date January 26, 2023
Title The Agent’s Role in the Omnichannel Customer Journey (And How to Support It)
Url https://www.vistio.io/blog/agent-role-omnichannel-customer-journey/
Summary Although it may seem like agents don’t play a role in the omnichannel customer journey, they’re actually crucial to customer satisfaction. Here’s why.
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Image Url https://www.vistio.io/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/AgentsOmnichannel_Blog-Post-150x150.png
ID 1811
Date January 23, 2023
Title Buy-In from Agents Builds Buy-In from Executives
Url https://www.vistio.io/blog/buy-in-from-agents-builds-buy-inifrom-executives/
Summary Getting buy-ins is everything in CX leadership, so it follows that it would also be the #1 problem that CX leaders struggle with. Today, with the help of Dave Seaton, we will be explaining how to build buy-in and how to appeal to your stakeholders.
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Image Url https://www.vistio.io/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/PodcastCovers_Blog-3-150x150.png
ID 1788
Date December 20, 2022
Title What CX Agents Want and How to Give it to Them
Url https://www.vistio.io/blog/what-cx-agents-want-and-how-to-give-it-to-them/
Summary Back in front of the mic today to talk about agent satisfaction and how to effectively compensate and motivate our most important assets.
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Image Url https://www.vistio.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/PodcastCovers_Blog-1-150x150.png
ID 1781
Date December 12, 2022
Title Screening for and Staffing the Soft Skills that Build Brand Loyalty
Url https://www.vistio.io/blog/screening-for-and-staffing-the-soft-skills-that-build-brand-loyalty/
Summary Jakob Mattice sits down with Kory Kostecka from RemX to discuss his insights into the ways we are staffing our call centers and how we can improve our hiring.
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Image Url https://www.vistio.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/PodcastCovers_Blog-150x150.png
ID 1681
Date October 24, 2022
Title Mistakes to Avoid in CX Training
Url https://www.vistio.io/blog/mistakes-to-avoid-in-cx-training/
Summary In CX when issues aren’t resolved quickly it doesn’t just affect your customer experience—it affects your agents, your operating expenses, and your bottom line. Long term, think of the outcomes facing your business. What is the fate of your market share?
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Image Url https://www.vistio.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/PodcastCovers_Blog_SheriKendall-150x150.png
ID 1598
Date September 19, 2022
Title Competitive Job Offers and Agent Retention
Url https://www.vistio.io/blog/competitive-job-offers-and-agent-retention/
Summary The shift in labor dynamics that we’ve seen over the last two years has given call center agents the advantage of being able to work from home, take new jobs without having to relocate and elect better opportunities as they come along.
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Image Url https://www.vistio.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/PodcastCovers_Blog-150x150.png
ID 1568
Date August 31, 2022
Title These Common Contact Center Mistakes Are Costing You Agents—and Customers
Url https://www.vistio.io/blog/common-contact-center-agent-mistakes/
Summary When your agents don’t have the training, tools, or support they need to do their job well, they become frustrated—and so do your customers.
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Image Url https://www.vistio.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/contact-center-mistakes-150x150.png
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