How CX Leaders Can Engage with Agents

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We’ve got a special episode for you today! We recorded this conversation on October 4th, the 10th annual CX Day! Meet our fantastic guest Jim Tincher who is the author of the book Do B2B Better which is available now. He’s an expert in all things change management, but you’ll have to tune in to hear what he calls it because he doesn’t actually love that term’s vibe.

Jim is here to talk to us about activating employees in ways that truly benefit them. Call center work is so important and we know that, first hand, as consumers in our lives outside of work. The role of an agent is the most important factor in our customer service and our customer satisfaction. So let’s dive into how to activate our agents!

[ 7:20 – 8:20 ] Change management is really about looking at behaviors that create a better outcome.

[ 11:49-12:59 ] The link between customer outcomes and agent outcomes.

[ 19:05-19:57 ] Coaching agents on improvement in specific ways instead of vague survey feedback.

[ 23:53 – 24:51 ] How to help executives understand the pressures the agent faces.

To listen to a recording of this and other episodes, visit And to join our show live each week, go to

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