Get access to all the ServiceSim features for 14-days.
Unlimited transactions
Unlimited personas
No feature limit
Licenses included For increased flexibility, you are welcome to deactivate any user and re-assign that license to another user at any point.
Additional licenses
Unlimited transactions per month
Persona creation assistance
Agent voice transcription Agents can use their built-in microphone to speak their responses and ServiceSim will transcribe them.
Included customer personas
AI voice generation An AI voice representing the customer will speak to the agent. With this feature, the transcription can be turned off to develop agents’ listening skills.
Alignment to training system Scenarios in ServiceSim are aligned to your training system.
Multi-language capability Users can choose their language from a list of popular languages.
Auto Evaluate - Off-the-shelf Transcriptions can be automatically evaluated based on a pre-defined rubric.
Auto Evaluate - Customized Transcriptions can be automatically evaluated based on a customized rubric that matches your training curriculum.
No additional setup fees
Get Started
The fastest and easiest way to get started using ServiceSim
$350 / month
No additional
setup fees
Book a Demo
$25 / user / month
+$5 user / month
For organizations looking to make a significant impact on training
$995 / month
No additional
setup fees
Book a Demo
$20 / user / month
+$10 user / month
+$2 user / month
Includes the full set of ServiceSim features plus the ability to customize your solution
Contact us for pricing
Minimum commitments may apply
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+$5 user / month
Additional fees may apply
All plans billed monthly unless otherwise stated. Annual plans available.
Get Started
The fastest and easiest way to get started using ServiceSim
$350 / month
Includes 10 licenses
Additional agents over 10:
$25 / user / month
Book a Demo
Unlimited transactions per month
Persona creation assistance
Agent voice transcription
Included customer personas: 10
AI voice generation
Alignment to training system
Multi-language capability
Auto Evaluate - Off-the-shelf: $5 user / month
Auto Evaluate - Customized
No additional setup fees
For organizations looking to make a significant impact on training
$995 / month
Includes 40 licenses
Additional agents over 40:
$20 / user / month
Book a Demo
Unlimited transactions per month
Persona creation assistance
Agent voice transcription
Unlimited customer personas
AI voice generation: +$10 user / month
Alignment to training system: +$2 user / month
Multi-language capability
Auto Evaluate - Off-the-shelf
Auto Evaluate - Customized
No additional setup fees
Includes the full set of ServiceSim features plus the ability to customize your solution
Contact us for pricing
Minimum commitments may apply
Book a Demo Unlimited transactions per month
Persona creation assistance
Agent voice transcription
Unlimited customer personas
AI voice generation: +$5 user / month
Alignment to training system
Multi-language capability
Auto Evaluate - Off-the-shelf
Auto Evaluate - Customized: Available
Additional fees may apply
All plans billed monthly unless otherwise stated. Annual plans available.